Archive for ‘Moms’

September 12, 2011

Monday Mommy Moments: I love being a Mom!

Here is my monday mommy moment for today: Making memories/ being a mom

We started homeschooling from birth and have not stopped since then. Our oldest son is now four years old, and we have so much to look back on! We pray when they all grow up they will have the fondest memories of being with their parents and enjoying getting an education.  I went through my phone the other day and saw some beautiful pictures, I must have somehow forgotten about them, of the boys at the garden and them lovingly touching my face. I felt so good inside seeing the pictures and it really made me think: this is why we do it

This is why we spend our nights making projects, coming up with fun ideas, and this is why we take time to be our child’s first teacher. We are making a positive impact and awesome memories for our children. It is a blessing that we can share what we love and who we love with the world.

It is more important that our children feel the love that we put into everything we do for them. I imagine them growing up and telling their children their wonderful childhood memories. I pray they in turn do similar with their own children. I love being a mom, it is such a rewarding and beautiful station in life. I am so blessed I get to experience this and alhamdulilah Allah (God) is Most Kind to me for entrusting me with the lives of such beautiful children.

So I ask you, what memories are making? Are you making a positive impact in your child’s life? Don’t you just love being a mom!

May 20, 2011

>Muslim Mom Blogs Top 50!

>American Muslim Mom has posted the top 50 Muslim Mom blogs from arond the world! SubhanAllah as I was sitting there yesterday on facebook doing my usual rounds, I saw Ponn Sabra’s post on  American Muslim Mom’s Facebook Page

I went and checked the list, just excited to see all the blogs that made it, and subhanAllah I see Habeebee Homeschooling at #30! Our blog is less than 5 months old and already because of the support  from you all..our friends, not fans, but our friends all around the world, you all helped us become one of the top blogs out there. Shukrun, thank you for following along with us on our Homeschooling journey and sharing yours with us.
Being on the list inspired us to keep working on our blog and bringing quality hands on learning tips, how to’s, and advice that will benefit parents and children inshaAllah. Thanks to all our friends out there that follow along on twitter: habeebeehs and on facebook: Habeebee Homeschooling, we truly appreciate the support.
Team Rahim is very excited and knows that this is a team effort from our family to yours. Though we have been homeschooling since the  moment of conception, when we began to share the love of learning and teaching with others, Habeebee Homeschooling became that means to do so alhamdulilah! We pray for the continue growth and benefit of Habeebee Homeschooling and pray we are able to help other families with a more hands on approach to learning.
Please do not forget to check us out for the Natural Birth Natural Body Conference in Philadelphia inshaAllah!!
Stay Tuned…