Archive for January, 2013

January 22, 2013

Boys And Cars

Guest Post By: Hafsa Taher

Boys and Cars. Two words that go together like peanut butter and jam. My nephew turned two recently, and given his love for anything that rolls, I decided to work on one for him. Oh, did I mention I had a helper? My niece who’s 5 yrs old.

I came across this awesome tutorial on Pinterest, so we got working. And here’s our end result:



You’ll need:
  • Tissue tubes
  • Paint
  • A lid of some sort to trace the wheels
  • 4 brads per car
  1. Start by painting the tissue tube
  2. cut out the wheels and paint them black
  3. stick your wheels using brad
  4. And don’t forget to seat your drivers in! 😉
Here’s the original tutorial I had found on Pinterest:
P.S: If you liked this craft idea, consider sharing it with others. Because sharing is caring 🙂

Hafsa Taher is the founder of – Her motto is “Pray, Love, Craft”. When she is not crafting or playing with her niece and nephew, she is Pinterest-ing and day dreaming about her next DIY! Check out her website here: