Sensory SENSEation

Our homeschool is a hands on homeschool. We love to explore the world using our senses. There is so much fun in making activities that can foster that. We find it very easy to include a sensory table in one place of our homeschooling area. The benefits of sensory fun are:

  • Children can explore their world in a positive fun way
  • Children get in tuned with their senses and learn with their senses
  • It allows for imaginative play
  • Get’s children involved
  • It’s fun!
  • Makes for memorable learning
  • Promotes bonding
  • Good way to incorporate life lessons, academics (science etc)
  • Encourages dramatic play
  • Promotes language skills
  • A creative outlet
Some of our present and past sensory based ideas:
All through out the summer the boys wanted to go to the beach! So we brought the beach to them with shells and cornmeal for sand, we included glass beads so when they used their shovels. They would dig and find the buried treasure!

I must admit when my husband and I joined in, we enjoyed it as well, making our cornmeal castles and getting messy.

Sensory learning makes any homeschool, preschool, and school a much more memorable experience. After all children want to explore.

You can’t go to the beach and not get wet! We filled a baby tub with water, little fish, and this time blue glass beads for under water treasure.

Sensory is a great part of science, investigating the world around them using their sight, smell, touch, some cases taste and hearing. Allowing them to make their own conclusions through reasoning and thinking out the situation.

Spaghetti art. The children played with the cooked spaghetti it was warm then it became cold. They mixed food coloring in and made some spaghetti art.

We used common kitchen spices to explore the sense of smell. We had some spicy pictures!

Parent and teachers can encourage sensory play with very simple activities.

Have different bins or tables every month to promote different sensory ideas, this will encourage hands on play and exploration.

Different materials to use in your sensory bin:

  1. Rice
  2. Water
  3. Sand/ Cornmeal
  4. Soil
  5. Cotton Balls
  6. Slime/ Playdough
  7. Noodles
  8. Beans
  9. Toys
  10. Confetti
  11. Shells
  12. Oatmeal and so on…
Sensory time should be encouraged often and you can easily find ways to add through your lessons.
I wonder what we will put in our bin today!

8 Responses to “Sensory SENSEation”

  1. I think I love sensory activities more than the kids sometimes – nice post!

  2. There isn’t a day that goes by that we aren’t diving into some sensory play in our classroom. What an excellent post to share as part of our ABCs of teaching preschoolers!

  3. Yay! I found more sensory ideas to “pin” !!! Woot! Woot!

  4. Nice! I will open up my kitchen…these look so tempting!!

  5. Thanks for these lovely suggestions. I’d also add that ensuring children have plenty of outdoor play experiences allows all of the senses to be heightened especially if these happen in a natural space such as a woodland or on a beach.

  6. Ooooo I love the messy stuff! Much to the disgust of some of my Mums. I have actually over-heard parents tell their children upon leaving them at preschool, ‘Now, don’t get dirty today!’ … what the…? I have never tried ‘Spaghetti Art’ so thank-you for the introduction… I must give it a go!

  7. I might just steal your spice bowl idea!


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