Monday Mommy Moments: Thank You!

I posted on twitter the other day about feeling like I am alone in the forest, and talking to myself some days. That’s how I feel when it comes to what I share on the blog, facebook, and twitter. My friend reminded me to keep the focus  and remember the intention. That was some great advice.

My intent from the start has been to share our journey with others and our love of homeschooling our children. The children are the most important reason why I keep this up. They benefit from it and we are closer in our relationship. My son said to me the other day “Ummi, thank you for school.”

It really touched my heart. How powerful and meaningful a thank you can be. He get’s it, he appreciates it and I am not alone in the forest but a mom whose children appreciate her. That made me feel good inside.  Even on days where I feel tired and my oldest son ask to play tag, I muster up the energy to run around the house with all three of them because I feel good knowing they feel good.


Alhamdulilah his thank you made my day, my week, my life. From the youngest of us to the oldest, never under estimate the power of showing gratitude and saying thank you

Did you thank someone today?

One Comment to “Monday Mommy Moments: Thank You!”

  1. Blogging can feel lonely at times – I understand that. You are not alone in the forest though – we are all in the forest calling out a message that just takes time to be heard and to be appreciated. You stay with it and keep your focus on your message. Mommy Moment is a wonderful person – she has picked me up a few times too!

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